Lady Justice Legal Services Inc
Is Justice genuinely blind?
Are we innocent until proven guilty?
Or are we guilty until proven innocent?

Here at LJLS Inc, we serve the underdogs!

Articles of Incorporation
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
Non-Compete Agreements
Non-Profit Compliance Review
Rental Agreement
Sales Contracts
Bill of Sales
State of Florida Title Reassignments
Name Changes
Child Support Enforcement/ Response
Eviction Notices
General Contracts
Criminal Case Defendant Motions
Court Summons Responses
Trademark Services
Our business provides a document preparation/clerical service. Its mission is to utilize factual information supplied by pro Se clients to assist them in preparing various documents and forms by writing/typing the information provided by the client into the blanks on the documents and form(s).
Our business may also offer customers publicly available legal information and procedural assistance, such as how to file documents. Our staff cannot and WILL NOT review completed forms and documents to give opinions on legal sufficiency, errors, or omissions, as we are not qualified to do so.
Our staff cannot promise or speculate as to specific outcomes or time frames regarding the legal matter you are pursuing because they need to be qualified to do so.
Continued use of our services or website means you are not seeking or expecting legal advice from our business. No one on our staff will ever provide legal advice. If you seek legal advice or representation, we will gladly refer you to the Florida Bar Association to be referred to a licensed attorney.
" Answering His call to advance the gospel and unite the Body of Christ" - John 17:23